The students of Sacred Heart Convent School, Sri Ganganagar, have once again brought pride to the school by excelling in the District Yoga Championship organized by the Yoga Federation of India. The event was held on the 3rd and 4th of August 2024 at Andhvidhyalaya, Sri Ganganagar.
Our talented students showcased their dedication and skills in this prestigious competition, earning accolades and recognition for their outstanding performances. The following students made the school proud by bagging prizes:
Angel Gaur (Class VIII): Bronze Medal
Raavi Bishnoi (Class IX): Silver Medal
Dushyant (Class X): Bronze Medal
Yashika (Class X): Bronze Medal
These achievements reflect the hard work and commitment of our students and the support provided by their teachers and parents. We congratulate the winners and wish them continued success in their future endeavours.