“A good teacher can inspire hope , ignite imagination and instill love for learning.’’
Although we’re stuck indoors due to the pandemic this year, we are such stuff who don’t give up easily. That’s why we are teachers!
SACRED HEART CONVENT SCHOOL, SRIGANGANAGAR conducted a virtual staff meeting to cherish the significance of the day. The meeting started with a prayer song. Sr.Phincy, Principal addressed the meeting and wished the staff members and empowered them with her warm hearted words. Fr. Joby Poulose, Manager augmented the spirit of the teachers by his spontaneous and sagacious words.
The spirit of the get together was intensified by various activities like songs, speeches, poem recitation etc.by the teachers.
The pandemic indeed has changed the way we teach and learn. But as Fr. Joby rightly said, ” We, as mentors should never give up for we shoulder the great responsibility of moulding the future generation”.
Therefore, all great souls out there, the great masters, let’s move ahead with our unwavering enthusiasm.